Tag Archives: glorification

John‬ ‭6‬:‭44‬-‭45‬

Are you trying to call someone to Christ, but becoming increasingly frustrated because they’re not listening? Be faithful and continue doing God’s work, but don’t be distraught that they’re not hearing you. Drawing people to a saving faith Jesus is … Continue reading

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Do you get it?  Being a Christian, that is–do you get what it’s all about? The sad truth is that so many don’t. We might have heard some Bible stories when we were kids, we might hear occasional references to … Continue reading

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John 3:17-21

Pretty much everyone has heard the word Christianity, but there is an increasing amount of misinformation out there, and many don’t know what that involves anymore. So what, really, is Christianity at its most basic level? More to the point, … Continue reading

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Ephesians 5:30

How can we tell who are true Christians? And what relationship exists between them and Jesus Christ? Those of us old enough remember the famous television line, “Would the real (fill in the blank) please stand up?” Yet many within … Continue reading

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Ephesians 4:24

What is true righteousness and holiness? Is this something only God possesses, or can we as sinful human beings also reflect this, and how? “And that you put on the new man which was created according to God in true … Continue reading

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