Tag Archives: Ukraine

Luke 2:14

The Christmas season is often touted as a season of peace. We find the phrase “Peace on Earth” on Christmas cards and in sermons. Yet ask any soul in Israel or Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan, or any other war torn land—and … Continue reading

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Hebrews 12:28

Today, on Thanksgiving Day, what are you thankful for? And, do you realize there are two very different ways of looking at what you have—relationally, financially, professionally—of your “lot in life?” No? Well, read on! “Since we are receiving a … Continue reading

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Romans 3:23

Who’s the most dangerous person? Whether a political leader or parent, I’m convinced it’s the one who genuinely believes in the rightness of his cause, but has lost perspective. You can give him brownie points for being sincere—for doing what … Continue reading

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