Tag Archives: Sodom and Gomorrah

1 Corinthians 2:9

Have you ever contemplated the limitations of the human mind? Granted, most of us would rather explore its amazing potential, but there is value in considering both of these aspects of our humanity. Why? Because our minds are an integral … Continue reading

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Hebrews 10:26-27

Are you afraid of hellfire and God’s fury against sin? It almost sounds comical to hear this question posited so overtly these days–as if it’s an excerpt from an old sermon from a former century–yet remember too, that when, “…Lot … Continue reading

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James 4:4-5

Are you an adulterer? I’m not asking if you’re unfaithful to your spouse; what I’m asking is if you’re unfaithful to your God. And as deleterious as adultery is to a marital relationship, adultery toward our relationship with God is … Continue reading

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