Tag Archives: Facebook

I Corinthians 10:11-13

Are you a sinful person? No? Well—are you competitive to the point of being resentful when another does better than you? I’ve seen that I am, at times. Are you greedy—do you grab the best or most for yourself? Yes; … Continue reading

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Galatians 6:9

Do you have any regrets? As you look back on your life, is there any decision, action or belief you espoused that now, in hindsight, you wish you hadn’t; do you wish you had done anything differently? Because wisdom comes … Continue reading

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Proverbs 14:23

Do you know how to work? Have you learned to apply yourself to the task at hand, no matter how lowly or unpleasant or boring it is, and regardless of how long it will take to complete–even if there is … Continue reading

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Matthew 16:24-27

Do you understand how to be a Christian, in practice? Sometimes we make this so complicated; at other times we over-simplify it–but at its heart, following Christ means exactly that: following Christ. “Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Whoever wants … Continue reading

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Exodus 20:3

Who is your god? I’m not asking your religion; what I mean is–who or what really owns you? In your most private and honest of moments, what purpose in your heart and mind do you recognize as most consistently important … Continue reading

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