Tag Archives: egypt

Isaiah 36:7, 10

What happens when the Enemy speaks truth? I capitalized the word “enemy” because I’m referring to Satan, the father of lies and enemy of our souls. Even though the people he uses vary, the purpose is always to shake our … Continue reading

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Isaiah 30:1-2

Whom do you trust in? In your heart of hearts, who is it that you feel will help and protect you when things get rough—will pull you out of your “pit,” whatever that may be? Is it God Almighty, or … Continue reading

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Revelation 19:11-16

Do you have plans? Are you going to do great things? Are you actually doing them now, or are you allowing life to sideline your ideas and putting them off for a later time that may or may not be … Continue reading

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2 Peter 2:5, 9

Do you sometimes feel like no one is listening? When you share your faith—when you try to pass on to others how real God is and how incredibly good; how important it is for us to stop sinning and trust … Continue reading

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Luke 12:4-5

Are you afraid of someone? A person who, when they speak, you jump, because you know if you don’t, they’re not above following through in some very unpleasant way to make you do what they wanted–and then be sorry you … Continue reading

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I John 4:7

Does Jesus bother you? Is His message of sin, repentance, forgiveness and obedience offensive to you? Do you dislike the Bible as a whole–because, let’s be honest, whether it is specifically attributed to Jesus Christ or not, Christianity is a … Continue reading

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Hebrews 4:1

What is eternal life? When does it begin, and how do you get it? Is it simply the alternative to hell, or is there more to it than that? Many have speculated about these questions, but since His is the … Continue reading

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