Tag Archives: church

Hebrews 1:1-3

Why are we so happy about Easter? For too many it’s now become just baskets, families getting together, and a chance to dress up in bright spring colors, but the true glory of Easter is the splendor of the One … Continue reading

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I Corinthians 6:16-20

Why is it so important what we do with our bodies—because isn’t it with our spirit that we glorify God? Yes, we speak to God in our spirit, but as beings with a physical body, what we do with them … Continue reading

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2 Peter 2:5

Do you appreciate the fact that at this point in time in our country, we still have “preachers of righteousness” faithfully proclaiming and expounding God’s holy Word to us? Do you realize what an unfathomable blessing it is to be … Continue reading

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Romans 8:17-18

Have you had a setback? Have things gone not quite according to plan? Are you struggling to make sense of what happened; to figure out how it can possibly be for your good, or the greater good in general? “And … Continue reading

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Isaiah 55:10-11

Do you believe your loved one will never believe in Jesus? Have you written them off; given up? Perhaps they even make fun of “your God,” or throw your Bible on the floor—but do you realize God promises His Word … Continue reading

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2 Timothy 3:5

Do you go to church? Where do you go? Is it a place you leave filled with the Holy Spirit and rejuvenated, or do you feel that other than having sat quietly for about an hour or so, there was … Continue reading

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Isaiah 29:16

Do you love God? Or do you question Him—either His actual existence or your accountability to Him? If you’ve stopped going to church, the things you learned then may now seem foolish and as you’ve grown farther and farther from … Continue reading

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Ezekiel 33:31

Do you go to church? Good! But do you actually change your behavior—ultimately, your life—as a result of what you’ve heard? Or is church just a habit for you—going, listening, coming back home and doing exactly what you would’ve anyway? … Continue reading

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James 5:16

Why should you go to church? Those of us who regularly attend don’t typically struggle with questions like these, but generations have grown up considering Sunday just a day to sleep in, and they fail to see the value of … Continue reading

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James 1:14-15

What is sin? How does it happen that even Christians who know (or should know) better can end up sinning? Is the temptation to do wrong a completely random and unpredictable attack, or is there a process–a sequence of events–we … Continue reading

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